Sunday, February 1, 2009

Increasing gas mileage

As gas prices prices soaring like anything, it is no surprise that people are looking for improved gas mileage for their vechicles. Now you will find yourself asking, "What can I do to my engine to improve gas mileage" or "How can I increase my gas mileage of my car?". The answer is in the My Gas Saver technology. It's a straightforward solution for turning your older or newer gas and diesel fueled vehicles into one of the fuel saver vehicles on the road.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Gas for water

Cost of Gas is less than Water. At least that is wat it shows as per the calculations laid out in the web site.

May be it is time to change the site topic. Ha! ha!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Gas price decrease

Now there seems to be some relief in the escalating gas price. Today i could buy at a rate of $2.60 per gallon. Much better considering over $4.25 we were paying months before.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Gas price is cooling off

We will discuss about this water4gas system later as the Gas price is likely to cool down further in this winter.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Water for gas. What a noval way to make money

Water for gas! How easy to make money and why are people buying this system. You can use tap water instead of this.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Aged Tires

Tires, like any other rubber product, have a limited service life regardless of tread depth and use. The dangers of "aged" tires is a little known problem outside of the industry and one that is likely the cause of a significant number of tread separation problems.
Tire age can be determined through decoding of the required DOT number molded into the side of a tire; however, the DOT date coding is consumer unfriendly and confusing. The article Dangers of aged tires describes this aspect in detail.